Radiohead tour

San Sebastian

Radiohead performed tonight in San Sebastian, Spain. Setlist and reviews are available here.

Radiohead tour


There are two articles about Radiohead upcoming concerts in Spain.

(thanks to yavadan}}

Hail to the Thief Radiohead

New album news

In this week’s printed edition of the NME, Thom is interviewed and mentions that the band will begin recording their sixth album next month in the United States with Nigel Godrich and expect a March 2003 release. Also, he mentions that the band has rehearsed 16 new songs for the current tour.
(thanks to Ben)

Phil Selway Radiohead

Phil on msg board

Phil made an appearance on the official Radiohead message board and was asked if the song “Reckoner” was dead, which he simply replied, “and buried RIP.” Then someone asked about “Nude (aka Big Ideas)” and he answered, “it’s just on a sabbatical.”

(thanks Scott)

Hail to the Thief Radiohead

New Lyrics

Lyrics for most of the new songs have been uploaded to the Lyrics & Song Information section. Most have been transcribed from the recent mp3s, though we do have the correct lyrics for There There which came from a lyric sheet provided by Mr. Yorke himself.

Since Thom seems to be changing the lyrics on some of the songs each night, it’s difficult to find out exactly what he is saying.

(thanks Clay)

Radiohead tour

Setlist for last night

Radiohead wrapped up their Portugal tour last night in Oporto, where they played a full set of both new and older songs. They surprised us all by closing the concert with “Creep”! For the setlist, click here.

The band will next perform in Spain on July 30th.