
New Radiohead book

A composer and musicologist tries to explain the meaning behind every Radiohead song in a forthcoming book.

Karma Police: The Stories Behind Every Radiohead Song is published on June 30.

The author James Doheny was trained at the Royal Academy of Music in London.
(thanks to Paul)

Stanley Donwood

Stanley interview

There is an interview with Stanley Donwood at this site.

Also, Stanley’s website has been updated with some new artwork and info.

(thanks to mike)


O’Riley performs RH

We have an update for you regarding the story we brought to you last Tuesday about concert pianist Christopher O’Riley’s transcriptions of various Radiohead songs on the NPR program “Performance Today”. The episode will air on on May 28, 2002 on your local NPR radio station in the US. To get a taste of what you’ll hear, head on over to the Performance Today website and listen to O’Riley’s incredible transcription of “Exit Music (For a Film)”.

(thanks to NPR Music Producer Mark Mobley)

Stanley Donwood

New artwork by Stanley

Radiohead’s resident artist, Stanley Donwood, had just completed a 48 or so page spread of new artwork for the Japanese magazine Idea Magazine. The artwork will most likely appear in the June issue. There is no word if will be online too.

(thanks to MaxK)

Radiohead Thom Yorke

RH Mouthing Off

Radiohead is featured in several chapters of a new book called MOUTHING OFF – A Book of Rock & Roll Quotes. With funny and truthful observations from hundreds of rock, punk, and indie figures, this book was written with the music fan in mind.

Here’s an excerpt from Thom Yorke:
“My songs are my kids and some of them stay with me. Some others I have to send out, out to the war. It might sound stupid and it might even sound naive, but that’s just the way it is.” – Thom Yorke of Radiohead (2000)

The book also features a full page photograph of Thom Yorke taken by Rahav Segev.

Compiled by Rolling Stone/Billboard contributor John D. Luerssen and published by Brooklyn-based record label/publishing house The Telegraph Company, MOUTHING OFF hits book and record stores in June. Those who can’t wait can purchased early online at major book e-tailers. (Note: it’s cheapest on Amazon)


Performance Today

Concert pianist and host of the radio program “From the Top”, Christopher Riley, did a live taping for the NPR show “Performance Today” yesterday, where he performed many Radiohead songs, including “Black Star”, “True Love Waits”, and “Like Spinning Plates” on the piano. As of now, there is no set date that this episode of “Performance Today” will air, but the program manager has said that it will most likely air in mid-May.

As soon as a date is known, it will be announced at
(thanks to Pablo)