Amnesiac Kid A Radiohead

Lali Puna on Radiohead

In a recent interview, Valerie Trebeljahr from Lali Puna brought up Radiohead:

Radiohead and Andrew Weatherall are two of your supporters… Do you like their music?
VT {Valerie Trebeljahr} : as radiohead have an indie-background too I know and like them for quite a while. and of course we admire kid a and amnesiac a lot! for me especially kid a is the perfect pop-definition: songs and melodies that go into your head, but are equally so complex that you can hear them a thousand times. yes and the most important: they strike emotionally. i know andrew weatherall just though the two lone swordsmen, i don’t know the earlier stuff i have to admit. but i like the swordsmen-music a lot and the sideproject radioactive man too.

Read the rest of the interview here.
{thanks to dmitri}

Colin Greenwood

Colin DJ Set in Manchester

Colin Greenwood will be doing a dj set at the Offpeak Night at Jilly’s in Manchester on December 12th starting at 8pm. Lali Puna will also be performing.

For ticket information and directions, head on over to
{thanks to Marcel}

OK Computer Radiohead The Bends

Radiohead in VH1 List

Radiohead was included in the VH1 UK 100 Greatest Albums list with The Bends coming in at #6 and OK Computer at #11.

See the full list at VH1 UK.

{thanks to Marcel}


New RH album?

Well, you know we at GP just love rumors so if you don’t, please don’t read this. 😉

There is rumor floating around that Radiohead may release an album full of b-sides as early as Spring 2002. It is also rumored that somehow fans may choose the tracklisting of this album on the band’s official website.

This is not the first time this rumor has popped up. Ed O’Brien was quoted back in August saying that they were thinking about doing something like this.

Right now, it remains a rumor and we’ll just have to wait and see. Don’t go crazy just yet.

Stay tuned!


IMBW #23

I Might Be Wrong – Live Recordings entered the UK charts at #23 this week.

Kid A OK Computer Radiohead The Bends

Later with Jools Holland

From KCET Magazine:

Moody music, songs of despair and more await as Later…Presents Radiohead. Hailed by fans and critics alike as one of the best alternative rock acts, the Grammy-winning quintet from Oxford, England, will perform material from their latest album Amnesiac as well as songs from their other albums: Kid A, The Bends and OK Computer. Hosted by Jools Holland, this long-running music show is a BBC program that showcases top contemporary acts in music.

Later…Presents Radiohead
Premieres Saturday, December 8 at 11pm.

{thanks to Jennifer}