Green Plastic Radiohead

discography » videography » no surprises
Paranoid Android
Directed by Magnus Carlsson
The video for "Paranoid Android" features Robin, an animated character, created by Magnus Carlsson, a Swedish cartoonist who stars Robin in his own 5-minute episodes of "Robin." Radiohead discovered Robin on Channel 4 and asked Magnus to do a video for them with Robin in it.

Magnus' first choice after listening to Ok Computer was 'No Surprises', but afterwards he was happy it turned out to be 'Paranoid Android'. Carlsson said, "when I first got the song I spent a whole day listening to it in my office. I have a window where I see a bridge with lots of streetlights. I tried not to listen to the lyrics, and after spending eight hours looking at the bridge, I started sorting out something. Later I got a fax from Thom where he explained the song, and the viewpoints matched."

Thom said, "Robin is great. He is so much more then that kid who showers with the cap on. In him I see the totally innocents. Defiance his bad habits and the tuff, big city he lives in, he is soft and gentle. And what ever happens he never loses his temper. Nothing affects him. He gets bossed and makes stupid things. People convince him to swallow things and dance naked. Next morning he wakes up anyway and feels rather okay and has forgotten last night. I wish I could be like that. Just forget. Never really bother. It never works in the real world. When we record can I live like that. Just get drunk till I forget. And when I get to the real world, there is nuclear weapon, unhappy love, people who don't recycle their cans. Everything that can't leave me alone, and things that always are going to disturb me. " Magnus also said, "I can understand that Thom identifies himself with Robin. He is rather an international figure. Me and Thom understand each other. We have never met, the connection is mostly by fax. Anyway I created the plastic Hollywood-world for Robin as Thom wanted the figure for "Paranoid Android" to move in." (from follow me around)

Review by Karen Hands:
This animated video was made by the creator of the Robin cartoon, Magnus Carlsson. Robin and his friend get up to many antics. They pay a woman to flash at them, buy a fish from a pet shop (where to two mice/rats are having fun), go to a dodgy bar where Radiohead are being 'entertained' by a man with a head coming out of his stomach, and Robin is escorted from the top of a lamp post by an angel in a helicopter! Meanwhile, at the bottom of the lamp post, a political figure dressed only in a codpiece covered in spikes and a mask, is trying to cut the lamp post down. The political figure eventually cuts both his arms and legs off and is taken away by some mermaids that are in the river his parts fall in. In America, being the strange place that it is, the violence of the man cutting himself to pieces is allowed to be shown, but the topless mermaids had to be covered up. To get the idea for the video, Carlsson locked himself in his apartment all day and listened to Paranoid Android all day. A bit extreme I think, but it resulted in a mighty video that reflects the greatness of the six and a half minute epic.

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