We received the following email from Clint Hendler (Rally Cooridinator for the Campus Greens Super Rally to be held in Chicago on August 10) after posting the July 14 story about Radiohead being invited:
I thought that you might appreciate an update on Radiohead’s possible appearance at the Campus Greens Super Rally for Radical Change.
As you know, Radiohead openly endorsed Ralph Nader’s 2000 Green Presidential Campaign. Radiohead was invited to several Super Rallies–stadium sized political events that attracted over 10,000 people a piece–but the band was always unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts, most of which had to do with the concurrent release of ‘Kid A.’
Many astute fans may remember how at the end of their ‘Kid A’ Saturday Night Live appearance Thom Yorke held up a sign that read “Let Ralph Debate!” That sign was a reference to Ralph Nader’s exclusion from the fall’s presidential debates.
Radiohead’s music often reveals their politics, and their politics have much in common with the Green Party’s. Shared concerns include the increased corporatization of the world, the environmental and social hazards of a car based society, slick politicians, and the undue power of global entities like the WTO and the IMF.
We invited Radiohead because we wanted them to share a stage with those who shared their views. Radiohead has not yet accepted our invitation, but they have also not yet rejected it. They are available the night of our rally, August 10th, and are going to be in the midwest. These facts give us hope.
As a special note, greenplastic’s mention of The Campus Greens Super Rally for Radical change netted us more browser hits than any other website in this month. And the news item has only been on the site for five days! I would like to extend a special invitation to Chicago area Radiohead fans to attend our Rally, whether the band makes it or not. It will be a great opportunity to learn about a new political movement that is exciting both the band and the nation.
For more information about the Campus Greens, click here.
Speaking of Chicago
Delilah’s (located at 2771 North Lincoln Avenue in Chicago) will be doing a “Radiohead Night” this Saturday, July 28 from 9pm to 3am. It is for fans 21 and older. No cover charge! {thanks to Tony}
Berlin Radio 1
Berlin’s Radio 1 is transmitting last year’s Radiohead Show (04.07.00) on the 31st of July from 11pm to 1 am (CET). You can also listen to it via Internet. The URL of their live-stream is: http://www.radio1.de/live.smi {thanks to a href=”http://www.meetingpeopleiseasy.de”>www.meetingpeopleiseasy.deEric}
Radiohead featured on cover of Alternative Press

Radiohead will be gracing the cover of the September 2001 issue of Alternative Press. {thanks to Matt}
New Zealand
TV2 in New Zealand will be showing Radiohead – Live in Paris on Sunday night (29th July) at 11pm. Also, Radiohead will be on a radio program called ‘The Mix’, at 11.06 pm on friday night on National Radio.
{thanks to Marcel}