Colin Greenwood Ed O'Brien Jonny Greenwood Kid A OK Computer Radiohead tour

News for June 15, 2000

Sam from has encoded the entire concert from Arles, France onto mp3 and has it up on his website. Go and get them!

Though it was nobody’s fault but Mother Nature’s, Thom Yorke appeared on the official Radiohead message board and apologized for last night’s cancellation. “that was hard work getting it together. we’ve had a shit day. can you pass on apologies to all who came a long way for today show. it was just too dangerous with the thundr and lightning very very frightning. im off to sleep goodnight.”

Ed also apologized in his diary, saying,”we had to cancel the vaison show…………so firstly apologies to everyone who had tickets and were looking forward to the gig……we’d even got the set list done with different new songs from last night and soundchecked them……….and what an amazing place…..a roman theatre like last night in arles. the freak rain was of course to blame…….the stage had a good three inches of the stuff from a twenty minute downpour and with another storm forecast for 9.30pm and alot of the equipment still damaged from last night’s storm in arles the decision was made to pull the show………somehow we got away with it last night but today just seemed as if it wasn’t meant to be…….sorry again to those in vaison …..”
Unfortunately, the show will not be rescheduled and fans who bought tickets will have to get their refunds from the point of sale. If you bought tickets through w.a.s.t.e., email them at

Tonight… Barcelona!

Even if torrential rains make it nasty in Barcelona tonight, fans don’t have to worry about any cancellations because Radiohead will be performing with a roof overhead. We will bring you news about this show later in the day.

Oh, pictures!

Head on over to to see pictures that Thom took of the crowd at their first show the other night in Arles, France.
[thanks to Benrio and Kim]

OK Computer was “Empire Strikes Back”
An interview that Jonny and Colin did with German Television Viva Zewi last week aired yesterday. In the interview, which is featured on the show Fast Forward, the brothers were asked how they would describe the new album and Jonny said that they always thought OK Computer was the “Empire Strikes Back” compared to The Bends, which was “Star Wars.” Then Jonny added, “But that would mean that the new album is the ‘Phantom Menace’, but that film was pants so we’ll have to think of another film…”

Colin mentioned that if you liked OK Computer, you will like the new album.

The interviewer then asked about the use of stings, in which Jonny replied that he had made a mess of things cause he could not make eye contact with the string players. Jonny worked on the strings for 3 months and even played the viola himself to see what it would sound like before he had others play it.
[thanks to]