Thom and Jonny taped an episode of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last Friday and it is set to air this Monday, October 3 at 12:35 AM /11:35 PM Central. The duo performed “Give up the Ghost.”
Photos by lisatefft and m_t_graves
Radiohead just wrapped up their first of two sold out shows at New York City’s Roseland Ballroom. They played a total of 20 songs mainly from In Rainbows and The King of Limbs, though there were a few older songs like “Street Spirit (Fade Out),” “The National Anthem,” “Myxomatosis,” and the rare “Subterranean Homesick Alien.”
Thom paid tribute to R.E.M. by singing a few lines of “The One I Love” right before going in to “Everything in its Right Place.”
- Bloom
- Little by Little
- Staircase
- Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
- Feral
- Subterranean Homesick Alien
- All I Need
- The One I Love (R.E.M. cover)/Everything in its Right Place
- Lotus Flower
- 15 Step
- Myxomatosis
- Codex
- The Daily Mail
- Bodysnatchers
- Reckoner
- Give Up the Ghost
- The National Anthem
- Morning Mr. Magpie
- Street Spirit (Fade Out)
- Nude
Here are some videos:
- An Intimate Moment with Radiohead – NY Times
- Radiohead @ Roseland Ballroom, NYC 9/28/11 – Stereogum
- Radiohead Rocks Roseland – Wall St Journal
- Radiohead @ Roseland Ballroom (night 1 pics, video, setlist) – Brooklyn Vegan
- Live Review: Radiohead at Roseland Ballroom (9/28) – Consequence of Sound
- Radiohead’s Triumphant, Wiggly Return to the States – Rolling Stone
Did you go? Tell us what you thought in the comments!
Photo from pursuitofny
Tonight Radiohead will be playing the first of two shows at New York City’s Roseland Ballroom. The show is sold out, so if you don’t have a ticket, you’re probably out of luck. Don’t trust scalpers as both tonight and tomorrow’s shows require the person who purchased the tickets to pick them up from Will Call right before the performances.
As expected, fans are already outside the venue waiting to get in. To help pass the time, they were given copies of the Universal Sigh newspaper by the fine folks at w.a.s.t.e.
Photo from Thom Yorke / Rules!
Speaking of w.a.s.t.e., they have put a bunch of Roseland-specific merchandise up on the w.a.s.t.e. store for you to purchase. Check it out!
A statement was just posted to concerning the two NYC shows this week:
Some ticket holders for this week’s New York shows have chosen to re-sell one or both of their allocation on auction sites. Using a 2 ticket limit and will-call only access with ID, we have tried to ensure that more tickets go to the people who prefer to see the show than to cheat fellow fans with re-selling tickets at exorbitant prices.
For those of you who have to pay over the face value of the ticket, PLEASE make sure that you are certain you can get into the show before parting with your money. A ticket is only valid with its matching credit card details and the ID of the purchaser, after which the ticket holder will be escorted straight through.
On a lighter note, we played on The Colbert Report last night. It was funny.
Hope this link works where you are:

Radiohead appeared on an hour-long special edition of Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report last night and it did not disappoint. The majority of the show was dedicated to the band. Radiohead played four songs: “The Daily Mail,” “Bloom,” “Little by Little,” and “The National Anthem.” In addition, there were two interview segments; the first was with the full band and the second was just Thom and Ed.
The band also taped two additional songs (“Morning Mr. Magpie” and “Codex”) which did not air but are available online.
Colbert was his normal over-the-top self which is always funny but we’ll admit, there were some cringe-worthy moments when he interacted with the band. All in all, it was an awesome night. Colbert “grills” the band on various topics such as why they are British, Dr. Pepper, global warming, corporations, and their Christmas album.
The Guardian has a recap of the show which you should read:
But despite the jokes, Colbert was sweetly visibly thrilled to have the generally interview-averse band on his show. But the band-members themselves looked even more thrilled to be there.
Thom Yorke in particular – not a man famed for his sense of humour – was clearly having the time of his life, being ribbed by the comedian and even making some jokes back.
“Why do Americans like you?” demanded Colbert.
“We don’t know. Not a clue,” replied Yorke, looking slyly out towards the audience.
When Colbert suggested it was just a hangover from Beatlemania, Yorke countered that they were “still waiting for the greeting off the plane with all the crowds and shit”.
“Well, maybe if you were lovable moptops … but you guys have this totally indie ragged kind of quality.”
Yorke burst into laughter while Jonny Greenwood behind him could barely sit up for giggling.
“How old are you?” continued Colbert. After some umming, Yorke, sporting a grizzled beard, replied that he is 42.
“Grow up, man,” Colbert spat out. The band laughed delightedly.
What did you think of the show?
The full episode is online for you to view. All the individual performances are viewable after the jump.
TKOL Remix Issue 7
The last of the remixes for The King of Limbs has been posted to Dead Air Space. Thom writes:
Here is the last set of remixes, with thanks to Jamie XX, Anstam and SBTRKT
That’s the lot then.
For those of you who like vinyl, all 7 issues of this 12″ ltd edition RMX vinyl will be on sale here until we run out of them.
OR if you prefer, you can buy the double CD/digital download from most music stores when it comes out 10th/11th October.