Colin Greenwood Radiohead Thom Yorke

Colin Interview

Colin is interviewed at Wall of Sound and is already talking about album number six:

“We’ve talked about doing a guitar album next,” Greenwood reports. “The reason we did these two records is to show that anything is possible rather than everything is expected; the last thing we wanted to do was go into the studio and make another version of OK Computer. My best guess for the next album is a combination of Amnesiac with more guitar music. But the most important thing is, it’s song-based music rather than sort of instrumental, non-lyric based music. We try not to insult or bore the intelligence of our audience, because we’re aware their tastes are moving on as well as ours with music, and it’s exciting to be part of that.”

You can read the rest of the interview here.
This following is a snippet of the new Mojo interview with Thom that our good friend Lunargirl of Ultimate Intimate (now us:

Q: The rumoured Oscar duet with Bjork: what happened?
A: I was briefly on the cards for being A-list – which was great. But only briefly. Because they messed her around quite a lot. In the end, it was probably good I didn’t go over to join her there.
Q: Was it your choice not to perform then?
A: No, it was her decision. Hopefully, we’ll do it somewhere else – like a better place. Working with her was funny, though, because I went and did that session literally the day we’d finished putting “Kid A” together so I was going ‘Yes! I’m out! I’m in someone else’s studio and it’s not my session and I’m not under any kind of pressure.’
Q: Your voices blend well together….
A: Yeah, but it took quite a while to find that blend(laughs). My whole tip at the time was ‘Well, if this is a duet, then we really need to record this together.’ And stylistically, we sing quite differently. I sing quite softly while she really belts it out. And the key was incredibly low for me. So we had to work at it but when our voices finally fitted together it was just the best. Great fun. I haven’t seen the film, though.

You can purchase Mojo at your local newstand.

Amnesiac Colin Greenwood Ed O'Brien Radiohead tour

Colin & Ed Interview on KCRW

An interview with Colin and Ed was aired today on KCRW’s Ground Zero program. The show, which also airs selected tracks from Amnesiac, will repeat online tomorrow (Sunday) from 10am to 12pm PT. You can listen to the show by going to the Ground Zero Website. It’ll also be available to listen to at for a week starting May 7. {thanks to Eric}

Ticket information about the June 20 Radiohead show at Red Rocks is now available at

Amnesiac Colin Greenwood Kid A Radiohead Thom Yorke

News for July 31, 2000

Album #5 Details

Radiohead are releasing a new album in March of 2001. According to a source close to the band, the album is pretty much done. According to another source close to the label, the songs that will appear on the follow up are more accessible (ie: closer to radio hits then anything appearing on “Kid A”) to fans and the public.

Again, nothing has been officially confirmed by the band. Stay tuned for more info…

The Meaning of Kid A?

Thom mentioned yesterday on the official message board that they named album #4 Kid A in dedication to the first human clone, which he suspects has already happened.

Other speculation is that the album was named after the children card game, Kid A in Alphabet Land.

[Thanks to Orion]

Radiohead included in Buy-cott

Following Colin’s vocal support on issues like Napster and like technology, Radiohead has been added to Napster’s “Buy-Cott” campaign, encouraging consumers to buy CD’s from Napster-friendly artists and bands.

You can view the list at

[thanks to Micken and Erkki]

Paul Oakenfold’s Remix of “Street Spirit”

You can listen to a mp3 of Paul Oakenfold’s live remix of “Street Spirit” by clicking this link. (6 Megs)

Thom’s page updated

Check out and see Thom’s updated page. It looks like he put a picture of some fans in Berlin.

Colin Greenwood Radiohead tour

News for July 27, 2000

Colin on BBC

Colin Colin Colin

Colin Greenwood appeared on a panel of two tonight on BBC 2’s news program, “Newsnight”; the feature was the US court decision for the shutting down of Napster. Colin seemed largely against this action which he believes is only for the benefit of record companies and the only people who are really missing out are the fans. He believes he speaks for the entire band when he says that he supports new technology such as this, and remembers a concert they played in Israel where all of the fans were singing their new songs, thanks to the Internet. Colin also mentioned that he was against large corporations attempting to take over the Internet and TV.

[many thanks to Gary]

More tickets available!

More tickets for the Newport, Glasgow, and Warrington shows are available at the w.a.s.t.e. Ticket Shop. Hurry!

Radiohead’s Dream Performances

On Saturday, July 29, The television show Dream Performances will feature an entire episode to past performances by Radiohead. The show will air at 10:30 am and again at 5:30 pm (GMT) on UK Play, a British comedy and music channel.

[thanks to Cassidy]

Colin Greenwood Ed O'Brien Kid A Radiohead tour

News for June 27, 2000

First, the important stuff…

We hope that Colin had a great 31st birthday yesterday!

Recent gigs

Why don’t you wander over to the Tour Guide to see some reviews about the last two shows in Greece!

Dates in Ireland confirmed!

That’s right! Now all you folks in Ireland can see Radiohead and their “Grand” tent too! They will be performing on October 6, 7, and 8, 2000 at the Punchestown Racecourse in Dublin.

Tickets will go on sale July 1, 2000 at

[thanks to John and dARDO]

New Album update

According to the Belgian newspaper “Le Soir”, the next album is due to release on October 2, 2000. There will probably be different release dates around the world as there was with OK Computer.

[thanks to Julien]

The title of the album has been chosen but not announced yet. Here are the titles that have been flying about the rumor bin:

Pure As Fiction (or pureasfiction)
Kid A
Giant Cogs Turn

*remember, these are rumors.

In a recent interview, Colin mentioned that the band will head back in to the studio this August to and will record their fifth album this Winter. The band has changed the way that they will be doing things so those expecting a full tour like the OKC one will be disappointed. The band plans to tour off and on, while mixing in studio sessions in between shows.

Dear Diary, Offical Site Updated

Ed updated his online diary again, detailing the band’s adventures in Greece. Check it out. Also, the offical Radiohead site has been updated, which the first two pages sporting new images.

[thanks to Benrio]

Bjork talks Thom Yorke duet

[from Q Online]:
Bjork discussed her much-anticipated collaboration with Radiohead’s Thom Yorke during a web chat on on Thursday (22nd June), describing the experience of working with Yorke as a ‘dream’. Entitled I’ve Seen It All, the song is to appear on the soundtrack for Lars Von Trier’s Palm d’Or winning film Dancer In The Dark (out in September), which stars Bjork and Catherine Deneuve.

“It was a gorgeous experience,” said, the Icelander. “We spent four days in Spain, singing a few hours a day. It’s been a dream of mine for a long time to blend my voice with his. That was lovely!” She also revealed that the working title for her album is Domestica, which is also being at the Spanish hillside studio where Post was recorded. Asked about the new material she enthused, “It’s gone really well…it feels very exciting. It’s definitely a place I’ve never been in before.” In the mean time a live album is planned for a December release, recorded last year in London, while Radiohead make their first live appearance in the UK at Scott Walker’s Meltdown on Sunday (1st July).

Colin Greenwood Ed O'Brien Jonny Greenwood Kid A OK Computer Radiohead tour

News for June 15, 2000

Sam from has encoded the entire concert from Arles, France onto mp3 and has it up on his website. Go and get them!

Though it was nobody’s fault but Mother Nature’s, Thom Yorke appeared on the official Radiohead message board and apologized for last night’s cancellation. “that was hard work getting it together. we’ve had a shit day. can you pass on apologies to all who came a long way for today show. it was just too dangerous with the thundr and lightning very very frightning. im off to sleep goodnight.”

Ed also apologized in his diary, saying,”we had to cancel the vaison show…………so firstly apologies to everyone who had tickets and were looking forward to the gig……we’d even got the set list done with different new songs from last night and soundchecked them……….and what an amazing place…..a roman theatre like last night in arles. the freak rain was of course to blame…….the stage had a good three inches of the stuff from a twenty minute downpour and with another storm forecast for 9.30pm and alot of the equipment still damaged from last night’s storm in arles the decision was made to pull the show………somehow we got away with it last night but today just seemed as if it wasn’t meant to be…….sorry again to those in vaison …..”
Unfortunately, the show will not be rescheduled and fans who bought tickets will have to get their refunds from the point of sale. If you bought tickets through w.a.s.t.e., email them at

Tonight… Barcelona!

Even if torrential rains make it nasty in Barcelona tonight, fans don’t have to worry about any cancellations because Radiohead will be performing with a roof overhead. We will bring you news about this show later in the day.

Oh, pictures!

Head on over to to see pictures that Thom took of the crowd at their first show the other night in Arles, France.
[thanks to Benrio and Kim]

OK Computer was “Empire Strikes Back”
An interview that Jonny and Colin did with German Television Viva Zewi last week aired yesterday. In the interview, which is featured on the show Fast Forward, the brothers were asked how they would describe the new album and Jonny said that they always thought OK Computer was the “Empire Strikes Back” compared to The Bends, which was “Star Wars.” Then Jonny added, “But that would mean that the new album is the ‘Phantom Menace’, but that film was pants so we’ll have to think of another film…”

Colin mentioned that if you liked OK Computer, you will like the new album.

The interviewer then asked about the use of stings, in which Jonny replied that he had made a mess of things cause he could not make eye contact with the string players. Jonny worked on the strings for 3 months and even played the viola himself to see what it would sound like before he had others play it.
[thanks to]